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Status Completed Mission

In the wake of I-400's attack on the New Year's party, the first mission of the hastily-commissioned USS Missouri and her crew is to locate and stop whatever I-400 might be plotting. However, the mission is easier said than done, as I-400 always appears to be a few steps ahead of the Missouri, and so far the Missouri has only been providing aid to the victims of I-400's campaign, who speak of hallucinations of old memories and of a woman too quick for them to see.

Finally, it seems the Missouri might catch a break; as Starfleet Intelligence has determined I-400's next target to be an illegal Ferengi dilithium mining operation in an asteroid belt just five light years from the Heartfilia system, run by a known Ferengi arms dealer named Klawe. Wanting to press their advantage while they have the initiative, Commander Cooke decides to converge upon the mine to prevent I-400 from obtaining a vast amount of Dilithium from Klawe.

However, unbeknownst to Commander Cooke, I-400 knows of the threat that the Missouri poses to her plan, and is leading Commander Cooke and her crew into a trap. And she's not alone, as I-400 has recruited two young Hebitians orphaned by the Dominion War to her cause, and they're more than what they seem; as they are also survivors of Dominion genetic experimentation, leaving them with enhanced abilities, and it is these enhanced Hebitians that I-400 plans to use to tear the Missouri's senior staff apart from the inside.

Mission Group The I-400 Saga
Start Date Wed Sep 20th, 2023 @ 6:41am
End Date Tue Feb 20th, 2024 @ 6:41am

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Shipboard Shenanigans
by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Charlotte E. "Charlie" Yeager & I-400 & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Drauc ie-Jia'anKahr
USS Missouri
(Flashback) Meeting A Legend (Part 2)
by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Akira Kogami
Christmas Eve 2386 Cooke Family home, Chicagoland
(Flashback) Meeting A Legend (Part 1)
by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Akira Kogami
Christmas Eve 2386 Cooke Family home, Chicagoland
Mind Games: The Wrap Up (Part 2)
by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan & Lieutenant JG Danielle Sidney
Part 3 of 'Mind Games: The War is Over'
Mind Games: The Wrap Up (Part 1)
by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Lahki Bakshi Dr & Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan & Lieutenant JG Danielle Sidney
Part 2 of 'Mind Games: The War is Over'
Mind Games: The War Is Over
by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Lahki Bakshi Dr & Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan & Lieutenant JG Danielle Sidney
Mind Games: Infertility
by I-400 & Boso Gane & Oko Gane & Lieutenant Akira Kogami
Mind Games: The Fear of Isolation
by Boso Gane & Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan
Mind Games: Splitting the Away Team
by Captain Patricia Cooke & I-400 & Boso Gane & Lieutenant Commander Lahki Bakshi Dr & Lieutenant Akira Kogami & Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan & Lieutenant JG Danielle Sidney
Ambush! (Part 2)
by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Charlotte E. "Charlie" Yeager & I-400 & Boso Gane & Oko Gane & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Drauc ie-Jia'anKahr & Lieutenant Commander Lahki Bakshi Dr & Major Achilles Aurelius & Lieutenant Akira Kogami & Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan & Lieutenant JG Danielle Sidney
After 'Ambush! (Part 1)'
Ambush! (Part 1)
by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Charlotte E. "Charlie" Yeager & I-400 & Boso Gane & Oko Gane & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Drauc ie-Jia'anKahr & Lieutenant Commander Lahki Bakshi Dr & Major Achilles Aurelius & Lieutenant Akira Kogami & Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan & Lieutenant JG Danielle Sidney
System HW-35
by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Charlotte E. "Charlie" Yeager & I-400 & Boso Gane & Oko Gane & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Drauc ie-Jia'anKahr & Lieutenant Commander Lahki Bakshi Dr & Major Achilles Aurelius & Lieutenant Akira Kogami & Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan & Lieutenant JG Danielle Sidney
January 15, 2400
A Young Captain's Trial By Fire
by Captain Patricia Cooke
After 'A New Lead' Patricia's Quarters, Deck 3
A New Lead (Part 2)
by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Charlotte E. "Charlie" Yeager & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Lahki Bakshi Dr & Major Achilles Aurelius & Lieutenant Akira Kogami & Lieutenant Zelea Arlidd & Lieutenant JG Danielle Sidney
After 'A New Lead (Part 1)' Briefing Room, Deck 1
A New Lead (Part 1)
by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Charlotte E. "Charlie" Yeager & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Lahki Bakshi Dr & Major Achilles Aurelius & Lieutenant Akira Kogami & Lieutenant Zelea Arlidd & Lieutenant JG Danielle Sidney
January 14, 2400 Briefing Room, Deck 1
Peace In Our Time? (Backpost)
by Captain Patricia Cooke & I-400 & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi
December 28, 2399 Daystrom Institute
On a Crusade, One Must Make Allies
by I-400 & Boso Gane & Oko Gane
Romulan Neutral Zone

Mission Summary