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Shipboard Shenanigans

Posted on Mon Feb 19th, 2024 @ 2:12am by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Charlotte E. "Charlie" Yeager & I-400 & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Drauc ie-Jia'anKahr

1,158 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: From the Inside
Location: USS Missouri

While the Missouri had boots on the ground- including the captain's, command of the brand new Bellerophon class starship had fallen to the first officer, Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi. In contrast to the chaos happening on the station, the Missouri was rather calm.

Lieutenant Charlie Yeager was sitting at the CONN station, monitoring the status of the ship's flight control systems when suddenly an alert went off on her console:

"Commander, I'm detecting a vessel of Borg origins heading out of the asteroid belt." Charlie reported. "Shall we pursue?"

"Red Alert!" Tsukasa said as she stood up from her chair. "Keep a close eye on them. I want to avoid a conflict if we can avoid it" She said simply.

Lieutenant Commander Drauc was monitoring the ships energy output and the engines overall when he suddenly noticed a spike in tachyon particles and as he made some adjustments to the sensors a tachyon eddies, which was starting to interfere with the Quantum Slipstream Drive. =/\=engineering to bridge. I am picking up a tachyon eddies and high spike in tachyon particles. It seems to be interfering with the Quantum Slipstream Drive.=/\=

"Understood, Engineering." Charlie responded. "Vessel is now entering the asteroid belt. With this interference, we could lose it from our sensors."

Charlie turned to Tsukasa.

"What are your orders, Commander?" She asked. "We won't be able to keep a close eye on them if we hold our position."

Tsukasa pondered for a brief moment. "Move in closer. But keep our weapons ready." She ordered simply. "Try and boost our sensors using the main deflector."

Drauc had his hands full with the tachyon particles and the Quantum Slipstream Drive when one of the alarms went off, someone was trying to boost power to the main deflector and several of the EPS conduits were reaching their limits. In the calm voice only Vulcans could do and inflect their displeasure Drauc contacted the bridge =/\=Bridge be advised the rerouting of power to the main deflector is straining the EPS conduits leading to it. If you need more power, please allow me a few minutes to free up some EPS conduits from other stations.=/\=

"Aye, sir;" Charlie set. "Taking us in for a closer look."

As Charlie laid in a pursuit course, a thought crossed her mind: The away team from the station had gone quiet.

"Commander; should we leave something like the Bluesmobile behind to wait for the away team?" She asked. "If we wind up pursuing this vessel, Commander Cooke won't be happy that we left her and her team behind."

Drauc finally arranged for the ships EPS conduits to allow for the rerouting of additional power to the main deflector. He had taken spare power from the holodeck and dinning facility replicators. As he was finishing, he noticed something strange the Quantum Slipstream Drive console appeared to be phasing in and out. He raised an eyebrow. How curious he thought as he proceeded to make his way over to the station, grabbing an engineering tricorder along the way.

Tsukasa shook her head. "No, they'd be too vulnerable." she ordered. "Take us in closer, but keep us within transporter range of the away team."

"In that case, ma'am; I'll have to bring us to a stop before we enter the asteroid field. There's no telling how it will mess with our transporters." Charlie responded, bringing the Missouri to a stop.

As Charlie brought the Missouri's engines to idle, another thought crossed her mind, and she spun around to face Tsukasa.

"Commander, requesting permission to take the Bluesmobile and pursue the enemy vessel." She said. "If I can get an idea of their heading, it could help us later."

Drauc scanned the console and was mildly surprised. The engineering console was phasing. =/\=Drauc to the bridge, I have found an anomaly in engineering. It would appear the Quantum Slipstream Drive's console is phasing from our reality, to somewhere. The engineering tricorder cannot identify where. Request a science officer to assist with further investigation. =/\=

"Take the Slipstream Drive offline until we can deal with that problem later," Tsukasa replied back. She pondered for a brief moment of what to do. "Use the aft launchers to deploy a probe at our current position. We can use it to 'bounce' a transporter signal off." She ordered quickly.

Drauc used one of his Vulcan meditative teachings to qualm his Romulan half. Of course, he knew to bring the Slipstream offline, did Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi think he was a first-year engineering cadet. No, the issue was how, the main Slipstream control console was phasing in and out. Yes, he could reroute the controls to an auxiliary panel, but there was a chance it would not work, or spreading the ‘contamination’ or worse. No, he needed more data to make a sound logical decision.

"Aye, ma'am;" The officer manning tactical responded. "Prepping probe for deployment now..."

"Let's not let that ship get away. Full speed, follow them in! Ignore the proximity sensors and avoid those asteroids," Tsukasa said. "We are not losing them!"

Charlie smiled.

"No need to tell me twice:" She said, bringing the Missouri up to speed. "Entering the asteroid belt now..."

As the Missouri entered the asteroid belt, for the first time the vessel they had been tailing entered visual range: There was no doubt as to what it used to be: A Borg cube. The cube was still bearing battle scars, though many of the holes in the cube appeared to have been patched, the patches themselves sticking out like giant bandages on the cube's industrial looking hull.

"No doubt that was once a Borg cube." Charlie commented. "Look at the size of that thing!"

Tag any.

As the Missouri pursued the cube, Charlie noticed something rather unusual on her console:

"Incoming hail from the enemy vessel:" She reported. "Audio only."

"On speakers," Tsukasa said simply.

"Tsukasa Izumi:" I-400's voice rang throughout the ship. "Kagami's greatest failure. And now you're going to be known as the first officer who left her captain behind to go on a joyride. So much for teamwork..."

"You really think that I'd leave them behind." Tsukasa said. "And why do you think I've failed my sister?" she asked. She looked over at Drauc and signalled for him to prepare the probe. There came no response.

The enemy ship darted and dashed between the asteroids, eventually disappearing from the Missouri's sensors. Tsukasa clenched her fist. "Take us back!" she ordered a slight hint of frustration in her voice.

"Missouri to Commander Cooke. We're returning to pull you out. Standby."

"Understood, Missouri:" Patricia responded. "We'll be needing an emergency transport directly to sickbay."

"Do it," Tsukasa said simply not wasting any time relaying the orders.

Posting by

Commander Patricia Cooke
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Drauc ie-Jia'anKahr
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Charlotte E. "Charlie" Yeager
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer



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