Storming Fort Knox (Part 3)
Posted on Thu Sep 12th, 2024 @ 10:50pm by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Charlotte E. "Charlie" Yeager & Senior Chief Petty Officer Karen Jinryo & I-400 & Boso Gane & Oko Gane & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Akira Kogami & Lieutenant Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr & Lieutenant JG Julia Araala
Edited on on Thu Sep 12th, 2024 @ 10:51pm
986 words; about a 5 minute read
Timeline: After 'Storming Fort Knox (Part 2)'
Previously, on Star Trek: Missouri:
"Beam them back to the Missouri. Have them secured in the Brig." Tsukasa ordered simply. "And have them looked over by medical, just in case."
"Aye, Commander," the Green-haired Lieutenant nodded before tapping her comm-badge. =A=Away team to Missouri, Queencell is secured; four to beam out, two to brig.=A=
The two security officers, alongside their detainees, disappeared in a shimmer of light, leaving Tsukasa, JJ, Drauc and Lissa to deal with the Cradle.
As Drauc made his way over to the Cradle to inspect it for damage prior to tagging it for beam out, the false sense of security led to a lapse in judgement as a partially functioning I-400 drone, not fully destroyed in the skirmish, suddenly reached out and grabbed him, pulling the Romulan/Vulcan hybrid into a chokehold.
"Oh no, you don't:" I-400 said. "You're coming with me..."
Before anyone else on the away team could stop them, Drauc and the I-400 drone themselves disappeared into a pink shimmer of light.
And now, the conclusion:
"Damnit!" Lissa muttered running toward the dangerous synth trying to grab Drauc, but getting there well after the light from the energy burst had shimmered to nothing.
"No!" Tsukasa shouted as she rushed towards them.
"Missouri to away team:" Patricia's voice came over the remaining away team's combadges. "We're detecting a dangerous energy buildup occurring deep within the cube: If you have the Cradle, we need to get you out of there now!"
Lissa tapped her commbadge as she made her way to the cradle. She looked for the most inert places to grab a hold of it and held on to the base with her left hand as she spoke. "Kerr to Captain, I'm touching the Cradle with my left hand, but we've lost Drauc! I don't know if you can detect his signal. 400 just took him with some sort of transporter. Can you get a lock on this machine?" Lissa reached out and touched another part of the base with her other hand.
"We have a lock on you and the Cradle:" Patricia responded after a moment of verification. "Stand by for emergency beam out."
Before anyone on the away team could object, the remaining away team and the Cradle were enveloped in a transporter beam.
[USS Missouri, bridge]
"Status of away team?" Patricia asked.
"Three green, one red, sir:" Karen responded. "Still searching for Commander Drauc's life signs."
"Captain, detecting detonations occurring with the cube." Charlie reported. "Advise evasive action."
Patricia ran a hand through her hair: She knew there was little left she could do to help Commander Drauc without them being blown to bits in the process. As much as she wanted to avoid it, Patricia had lost an officer her watch.
"Then make it so, Yeager:" She ordered. "Get us clear!"
"Aye, sir:" Charlie responded, her fingers dancing along the CONN station's smooth surface. "Breaking off pursuit..."
The Missouri majestically arced away from the cube as it began to explode. As the main priority of the Missouri was not getting caught in the blast, one might have easily missed a small sphere jettison from the cube, itself clearing the path of the explosion and jumping to warp.
As the chaos of the explosion receded, and they all had a moment to breathe, Patricia only said one word:
"Enemy vessel has been destroyed." Karen recited. "Well, not quite: Our sensors picked up a small craft emerging from the cube in its final moments before jumping to warp..."
"Any idea if Commander Drauc was on that vessel?" Patricia asked.
"Uncertain-" Karen said. "Until more concrete evidence comes to light, I'm afraid Commander Drauc must be presumed KIA..."
"Son of a bitch!" Patricia exclaimed, the emotions of losing Commander Drauc bubbling up to the surface.
As Charlie listened to Patricia and Karen's conversation, an idea entered her head: One which could help them determine where I-400 was going:
"Captain, if I may?" She spoke up.
"Go on," Patricia said.
"Captain, I believe we may have collected enough information to be able to triangulate where I-400 might have been headed." She explained. "If we combine our flight logs plus the trajectory of that smaller vessel, I believe we could come up with some strong hypotheses on a potential destination."
Patricia pondered Charlie's suggestion. Had they really been in pursuit long enough to gain that much data?
"If you can nail down some guesses, make it so, Lieutenant." She said.
Tsukasa rushed onto the bridge from the transporter room. "She took him!" She said as she made her way over to the station between the two command chairs and started tapping at its controls. You could clearly see that the XO was trying her best to find the 'lost' member of her away team.
Patricia turned to Charlie. If Tsukasa's explanation was true, then they might need her idea after all:
"Sounds like you'd better start those calculations Lieutenant:" Patricia said. "But first, let's get out of here. Lay in a course for the nearest inhabited Daystrom installation; Ops, send a message to Dr. Banner: Tell him we have the cradle and request to know where he wants to meet us."
"Aye, sir." Charlie and Karen both said in unison.
The Missouri made a graceful arc as Charlie laid in a new course, her warp nacelles folded into an upward position before the ship accelerated to warp speed.
A mission post by
Commander Patricia Cooke
Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi
Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander Drauc ie-Jia'anKahr
Chief Engineer
Lieutenant Iwasaki
Security Officer
Lieutenant Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr
Chief Science Officer
Lieutenant Minegishi
Security Officer
Lieutenant Charlotte E. "Charlie" Yeager
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
Lieutenant JG Julia Araala
Chief Medical Officer
Senior Chief Petty Officer Karen Jinryo
Boso Gane
Mission Specific NPC
Oko Gane
Mission Specific NPC