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Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 6:29pm

Lieutenant JG Julia Araala

Name Julia Jeanne Araala

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 143 lbs
Hair Color Platinum Blonde
Eye Color Sky Blue
Physical Description Jeanne is a tall, slender woman who looks like she's intentionally trying to be overly feminine, wearing makeup and keeping her hair up in a neat bun when in medical and down and brushed out as soon as she gets off duty.


Spouse None (Engaged to Riall Segai, arranged marriage)
Father Ventish Araala
Mother Nierta Vallass

Personality & Traits

General Overview Julia was named after her mother's two best friends from her own time at Starfleet Academy, Julia Teixeira and Jeanne Vellour, which has always made her feel slightly inadequate. She's a committed non-violent person, despite being the heir to her House's relic, the Armaments of Vellos, an ancient sword and bow that she reluctantly continues to train with against holograms and dummies only.
Strengths & Weaknesses - Non-violent to the point where she's unlikely to actively defend herself
+ Expert archer at nearly as far as she can shoot
+ Trauma and Communicable disease expert
Hobbies & Interests Archery
Reading Mysteries
Horseback Riding

Personal History Julia Jeanne was born in the Province of Nelrent on Betazed, heir to the 13th House of Betazed and to the Armaments of Vellos, which included a sabre and bow. While she took to the bow at a very young age, she never was able to train well with the sword. As she grew up, she continued to place well in archery contests, even winning all-around competitions which included shooting from horseback. While her archery was on point, her grades weren't. While JJ was very bright, she just couldn't test well. As she turned eighteen, she knew she wanted to join Starfleet, even had decided to be in the Medical field, but she nearly failed the testing process, ending up at the Ansion Academy on one of the frozen moons of Andoria, one of the least prestigious outlets of Starfleet Academy.

The five years that JJ spent on Ansion were pure hell for her, needing to repeat a year of her Academy training due to poor testing. While she excelled at the practical tests, she was very poor at the written testing. She was constantly bullied on Ansion, which caused one change in her, because she wouldn't fight back against the stronger Andorions. She began to pursue non-violent solutions. Upon her graduation in the lower third of her overall class, she was assigned to the USS Rochambeau, an old Miranda-class starship in the back end of nowhere that had last been upgraded two decades before. She spent five years on the ship as it played convoy escort and patrolled the local space, hunting pirates and responding to disasters. It was on the very last patrol of the Rochambeau that the ship was ambushed in orbit of the planet of Chalsa. The Miranda-class ship was outclassed and outgunned, suffering heavy casualties even as she called for assistance from the Fleet.

In the end, the ambushers were victorious and spent several hours ransacking local townships after the Rochambeau crash-landed. JJ spent twenty-six hours frantically treating the wounded, losing Captain Y'trall after a seven-hour surgery that failed when power went out for the third time. When the relief group arrived, long after the pirates had left, they rescued the eighty-one survivors of the ship for transit back to Earth. She was reassigned to Starbase McKinley for a year to recover from the ordeal before being assigned to the USS Missouri as her Chief Medical Officer