
...Or Not to Be

Posted on Fri Oct 18th, 2024 @ 8:51pm by Vice Admiral Asuka Soryuu & Commander Patricia Cooke & Boso Gane & Oko Gane & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Joseph Nixon & Lieutenant Akira Kogami & Lieutenant Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr & Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan
Edited on on Fri Oct 18th, 2024 @ 8:51pm

1,419 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: I-402
Location: Starbase 72. Janus VI System
Timeline: Part 2 of 'To Be...'

Previously, on Star Trek: Missouri:

"Now, let me set one thing straight: Not a damn thing is getting offloaded from this vessel until I give the go-ahead." Asuka declared. "Commander, I understand you've gained quite a lot of intel on what I-400 has been up to. I'm here to ensure that this intel reaches Starfleet Command, because I think we can all agree that it's past time Starfleet starts taking your ramblings seriously."

"About damn time," Akira spoke up. "Do you realize how many Senior Officers we've had reassigned from under us in the three months we've been going after this thing? Eight; I had the pleasure of being brought up to speed by Commander Cooke here once I returned from medical leave, and I counted; so far, we've had Mailin, Ghemora, Stevenson, Arlidd, Aurelius, Bahkshi, Sidney, and now Raazym transferred to another post, and if you count the fact that our Chief Engineer was kidnapped, that brings the number of Senior Staff we've lost so far up to 3! If you guys want anything done around here, we need some damn commitment!"

"And it's commitment you're going to get, Lieutenant." Asuka responded. "Turning lip service into action is my specialty. But before I can get Starfleet Command to agree, I need to know everything you know about I-400."

And now, the continuation:

Asuka turned to Patricia.

"Commander, I want you to call a senior staff briefing." She ordered. "And I understand you brought some hitchhikers back with you?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Patricia responded.

"Extend them an invitation." Asuka responded. "I'm not a fan of words being paraphrased."

"Yes, ma'am." Patricia nodded, turning to Tsukasa as Asuka made her way towards the briefing room. "You heard her, Commander:"

Joe still had his go bag on his shoulder after following the Admiral up. He figured he should just continue to follow her and looked at the Commander. "I'm Joe Nixon, you new Ops Chief. But I guess formalities can wait." he said.

Patricia nodded.

"I'm Patricia Cooke," She responded. "This is Tsukasa Izumi, that Pinkette manning tactical is Akira Kogami. Over on helm is Charlie Yeager, and the one about to pop at your station is our Quartermaster, Karen Jinryo."

Charlie and Karen both turned and waved to the new Ops Chief.

"There are a couple of blue shirts that reside below decks, but you'll meet them in time." Patricia explained.

Once introductions were finished, Tsukasa tapped her comm badge. "All senior staff. Report to the briefing room." she said.

"So, tell that to me again, in Federation Standard, please." Asuka requested.

"I-400 is looking to build both the largest warp drive in history and the largest warp bomb." Oko stated.

"And, this is going to affect the Federation how?" Asuka asked.

"If I-400 reaches the galactic barrier and sets the bomb off, it'll affect everyone." Oko explained. "It won't matter whose colors you fly, you'll all be dead."

Asuka sighed.

"Starfleet is going to need more than just the word of two known terrorists to grant Commander Cooke what she's requesting." She explained, turning to Lissa. "Kerr, you're a bright mind- would detonating... What was it? A small planetoid inside the Great Barrier cause an extinction level event like these two have described?"

"The short answer is yes, it could. Will it? The simulations based on what we know about warp drive energy and the galactic barrier have predicted that is a likely outcome, with 83% probability. A warp bomb has that kind of power, the galactic barrier still presents a lot of unknowns for us to predict anything with absolute certainty," Lissa responded.

"I'm still trying to work out if there is something even more nefarious than that at play. Just wiping everyone out doesn't seem to get her much. She'd rule over what? A wasteland. I'm guessing this will also open a rift of some kind. But I haven't been able to determine what. I've been pouring over past encounters we've had with the barrier. Time, alternate universes, some other galaxy on the other side?" Lissa's tone was grave. "We need to do whatever it takes to stop this."

Asuka nodded.

"Now, that is something that will get Starfleet's attention:" She declared. "Lieutenant, I'll need a full copy of your findings to present to Starfleet Command."

"Of course," Lissa responded. Did it really take all of that to get Starfleet's attention she wondered. What had they been doing before now.

Asuka then turned to Patricia.

"Commander, if Starfleet approves your request, and I do mean if; then you will receive a field promotion to Captain to lead this mission." She said. "Starfleet will want Missouri to be the tip of the spear for such an operation."

Asuka then stood up.

"As for the rest of you, I'd suggest you get this ship shipshape:" She addressed the gathered officers. "The turnaround is going to be tight once things are set in motion. Commander, I now defer control of this meeting to you."

And without further word, Asuka stepped out of the briefing room. When she left, Patricia turned back to her gathered senior staff:

"Kogami, I know you only just got back to active duty, but I'll need this ship fighting fit. That includes all the torpedoes we can carry." Patricia ordered.

"I'll get right on it, Captain," Akira nodded with surprisingly less resistance than Patricia was expecting. "This ship will be armed to the nines by the time we push off."

"Medical, I want you to prepare for a potential mass casualty event." Patricia turned to Eradaar, unfortunately the only medical staffer on hand, as JJ was among the crew to be rotated out. "We'll be staring down the barrel of a refugee crisis, so we'll need all the available beds we can muster: Use the marine barracks and the holodecks if you have to."

"Aye, sir," Eradaar nodded, confirming. She had cross-trained in some medical, so she was familiar. Her time on the Poseidon as well prepared her for such emergencies. Cadet training courses had their advantages.

"Science, I want you to prep the Cradle for offloading." Patricia turned next to Lissa. "Dr. Banner will be better able to deal with the Cradle than we will, and we don't need to have such a high priority item to I-400 on board."

Lissa tried to not let her disappointment show too much. If she had her way the cradle would stay with them. Or she'd go with it for now. She really hadn't had the opportunity to study it all, and it had been at her fingertips this whole time.

"Ops, you'll be working closely with Engineering to ensure the lights stay on in critical areas." Patricia said. "The Missouri's a brand new ship, with more complicated technology to come along with it, so I want you to take this down time to familiarize yourself with the Missouri's systems, because that could mean the difference between life and death."

"Understood, I've gone over her systems already but will definately get down to the nitty gritty." Joe responded.

And lastly, Patricia turned to her number one:

"And Izumi, I want you to make sure the crew rotations and resupply goes off without a hitch." She ordered. "Get with each of the departments and make sure they have what they need before we push off."

Tsukasa smiled. "I'll have us running smoothly and fully supplied before you can say Missouri," she replied with a wink.

"Like the Admiral said, once we get the go ahead, the turnaround is going to be a tight one." Patricia reiterated what Asuka said. "But I think we can rise to the challenge: So, who's with me?"

Joe nodded. "I'm excited to be working with you and looking forward to getting to know this group and moving forward."

"If we can't protect this galaxy, you can be damn sure we'll avenge it," Akira nodded in the affirmative.

Patricia smiled

"Well, then:" She said. "You all know your assignments; and we have a lot of work to do: Dismissed."

A mission post by

Commander Patricia Cooke
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Joseph Nixon
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Akira Kogami
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan
Chief Counselor

Boso Gane
Mission Advisor

Oko Gane
Mission Advisor

Vice Admiral Asuka Soryuu
Task Force Avenger Commanding Officer



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