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To Be...

Posted on Fri Oct 18th, 2024 @ 8:48pm by Vice Admiral Asuka Soryuu & Commander Patricia Cooke & Boso Gane & Oko Gane & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Joseph Nixon & Lieutenant Akira Kogami & Lieutenant Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr & Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan

1,021 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: I-402
Location: Starbase 72, Janus VI system

Captain's Log,

Following negotiations with Dr. Banner and Starfleet Command, all parties involved have agreed that the Missouri shall meet our Daystrom friends at Starbase 72 in the Janus VI system, as we have more crew rotations to take place, including a replacement for Lieutenant Raazym.

Lieutenant Yeager has been hard at work with her calculations, and has determined the small craft we detected jumping to warp as the... I-400 cube blew up was likely heading towards the Romulan Neutral Zone. This evidence supports statements made by our Hebitian Prisoners about I-400 turning a planetoid in the Zone into a giant bomb with the intent to somehow wipe out all life in the galaxy. Though, only time will tell if their words are the truth, or another master fabrication by I-400.

End log

Vice Admiral Asuka Soryuu had personally made her way to Starbase 72 alongside Doctors Banner and Luhk to greet the Missouri. If the transmissions from the Missouri's young commander were true, then the situation was more grim than Starfleet had initially believed.

At last, the Missouri dropped out of warp in the Janus VI system, entering visual range of the station. Asuka observed as the Bellerophon class starship moved towards its assigned docking port. As the Missouri was about to dock, Asuka turned and nodded to the gold-shirted Lieutenant Commander next to her, whom had recently been assigned to the ship.

"Well, Commander; there's your ride." She said, indicating it was time for them to make their way towards the Missouri.

Joe nodded. "I'm excited to be heading over there. I've heard great things about her and the crew. This will be some wonderful experience."

"Yeah," Asuka admitted as they walked. "Cooke's still very much an unknown, but the kid's got heart, I'll give her that much.

"Unknowns are good too." Joe said. "Gives them a story to make on their own."

"Well, if Cooke is to be believed, the story she has to tell may determine the fate of the entire galaxy..." Asuka said as they approached the Missouri's docking port.

When the hatch swooshed open, the security officer on watch seemed surprised to see Asuka and Joe.

"You're not Dr. Banner..." He muttered.

"You're damn right, I'm not." Asuka responded. "Permission to come aboard, Ensign?"

"Uh... Let me call the captain..." The security officer fumbled.

"You know what? Never mind." Asuka said, stepping over the threshold onto the Missouri. "Just point me in the direction of the bridge."

"Um... The turbolifts that serve the bridge are just aft of here." The security officer pointed.

Nodding, Asuka turned back towards Joe.

"Commander?" She said, motioning for him to follow.

Joe surpressed a grin and nodded following the Admiral. "Let's go."

On the Missouri's bridge, Patricia sat in the command chair, watching as her ship docked to the Starbase. When she and the rest of the bridge crew felt the small nudge of the ship connecting to the station, Patricia pressed on the small panel on the chair's arm to open a coms channel to Science:

"What's the status of the Cradle, Science?" Patricia asked.

Lissa's voice came back over the comm, "It's secure, Captain. I've maintained a forcefield around it for safety reasons, but I haven't registered any activity. We've scanned it every which we can without firing it up, so I don't have much to report. If you'd like us to do more, you know we're a curious bunch down here. Just waiting for the order."

"Is the Cradle in any condition to be moved?" Patricia asked.

"Yes Captain, we could. I'd suggest an anti-grav sled with a containment field for the lowest risk," came Lissa's response through the comms.

"Then make it so." Patricia ordered. "Prepare the Cradle for transport up to the docking port, Dr. Banner is going to be aboard any minute now..."

As Patricia was relaying her orders, a light was flashing on her armrest, indicating Security was trying to contact her.

"Hang on one second, I think that's them right now." Patricia said, pressing to switch comm channels. "Go ahead, Security:"

"Um... Captain?" Came the voice of a junior security officer. "Admiral Soryuu just stepped aboard. She's headed for the bridge."

Patricia sighed.

"Understood, Cooke out." Patricia said, flipping back to the Science comm channel. "Belay that order, Lieutenant: Looks like Dr. Banner will have to wait."

"The fact of the matter is, nothing is getting offloaded from this ship until I give the word:" A voice emerging from the turbolift said.

Recognizing the voice, Patricia rose from her chair and turned to face Admiral Soryuu.

"Admiral on the bridge!" She called out.

Joe stood behind the Admiral and looked out. The bridge was a beautiful place. He couldnt' wait to get started.

"Now, let me set one thing straight: Not a damn thing is getting offloaded from this vessel until I give the go-ahead." Asuka declared. "Commander, I understand you've gained quite a lot of intel on what I-400 has been up to. I'm here to ensure that this intel reaches Starfleet Command, because I think we can all agree that it's past time Starfleet starts taking your ramblings seriously."

"About damn time," Akira spoke up. "Do you realize how many Senior Officers we've had reassigned from under us in the three months we've been going after this thing? Eight; I had the pleasure of being brought up to speed by Commander Cooke here once I returned from medical leave, and I counted; so far, we've had Mailin, Ghemora, Stevenson, Arlidd, Aurelius, Bahkshi, Sidney, and now Raazym transferred to another post, and if you count the fact that our Chief Engineer was kidnapped, that brings the number of Senior Staff we've lost so far up to 3! If you guys want anything done around here, we need some damn commitment!"

"And it's commitment you're going to get, Lieutenant." Asuka responded. "Turning lip service into action is my specialty. But before I can get Starfleet Command to agree, I need to know everything you know about I-400."

To Be continued...


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