Trouble On The Way (Part 1)
Posted on Sun Mar 31st, 2024 @ 3:30am by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Charlotte E. "Charlie" Yeager & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Drauc ie-Jia'anKahr & Lieutenant Commander Lahki Bakshi Dr & Major Achilles Aurelius & Lieutenant Raazym & Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan
Edited on on Sun Mar 31st, 2024 @ 3:38am
1,297 words; about a 6 minute read
Timeline: Continued from 'Resupply and Low Morale'
Previously, on Star Trek Missouri:
"Then start acting like you want to be here, Commander!" Patricia suddenly snapped. "Because all I've seen you doing since we came aboard is meekly carrying out my orders like you're scared of repercussions! This isn't engineering anymore: You're not going to get in trouble for suggesting an alternative to my plans. In fact, I'd praise you for it! Captain Carson taught me something valuable when I was XO of the Sandusky: Any suggestion, no matter how dimwitted, is better than no suggestion. I'd rather you toss out an alternative that could be dismissed rather than having you sitting there and saying nothing!"
Patricia facepalmed and sighed.
"And don't even get me started on the away team I was expecting you to beam down on by my side that I got stuck leading fully and we got our asses handed to us because of it!"
Tsukasa lowered her head. "I will try harder commander." Was all she could really say. "Maybe I should take some lessons from my sister..."
And now, the continuation:
[ = Chief Counselors Office = ]
After the debacle on the surface, the Chief Counselor felt - perhaps rightly - that her position as even a Counselor was forfeit. While Eradaar had assisted her Captain and fellow crewmates in multiple ways, she felt she had failed in her duties to console them and encourage. It was quite apparent the morale of the ship was down. Thinking on options for a bit, she gently tapped her combadge with a claw.
=/\= Chief Counselor to Captain, when you have some free time, I would like to see you. No rush. =/\=
There. That should be enough. No doubt they were busy as she was, situating her office and other things. After the ordeal on the surface there was no doubt all involved were doing something similar. She didn't expect a reply right away and simply went back to her work, checking files and hopefully starting to plan Counseling sessions. She wasn't an engineer anymore, after all.
[ = Transporter Room = ]
Ruby stood at the controls. She had recieved confirmation that two people were ready to beam over.
A Catian man stood next to her. He checked his wrist chronometer. Not only were the people ready to beam over a lot sooner, the commanders were still nowhere to be seen.
"Shall we we bring them aboard anyway?" He asked the other transporter operator.
"Energising," The transporter operator said. Her hands ran over the console as the transporter powered up.
Two shapes made up of blue and white lights began to emerge on the pad. Finally they finished. Captain Mikoto Misaka stood there looking ahead, next to her was another officer in command red.
The other officer was a Caitian woman sporting three rank pips, indicating her rank as Commander.
"Oh, for [Bleep]'s sake!" The Caitian blurted out when she realized no one in command red was awaiting them in the transporter room. "They can't even be bothered to greet us!? Starfleet really is going to the Inuto..."
The Caitian proceeded to step off the transporter pad mid-rant and approached the Caitian man standing at the controls.
"What's crackin', bro?" She said as she took the Caitian man's hand and pulled him into an embrace. "It's good to see you again."
"Ay, it's been a long time, S'Mira." The Caitian man responded, noting his sister's rank pips. "I see you're doing well for yourself..."
"Yeah, it's not too bad." S'Mira admitted. "They keep finding ways to move me up the ladder."
"Nice:" The Caitian man nodded.
Mikoto simply cleared her throat. "You should watch your language Commander. Thats one thing we have spoken about." she said simply.
[=Main Engineering=]
Drauc was truly working on suppressing his emotions, his Romulan half was furious. How was he supposed to repair the main Slipstream control console without the proper supplies. He and his small engineering crew had done the best they could to repair the minor damages to the ship, He needed the supplies supposedly being delivered to repair or replace the main Slipstream control console, in the meantime he was running it through an auxiliary station. He also was also waiting to see if Lieutenant j.g. Tuwi Glasch Katich would be among the personnel coming to the ship, he could use her engineering experience. His commbadge chirped =/\=All senior staff, there will be a senior staff briefing in ninety minutes in the conference room. You are all required to attend. =/\= Druac did a very unVulcan like thing- he frowned.
[Conference Room]
Lahki appeared in the meeting room, a looked of annoyed defiance on her face. She'd been on the Bridge earlier, during the two Captains' exchange, and she was mad that someone had spoken to her Captain that way. How dare the other woman invalidate their experiences?! The Betazoid woman quickly rearranged her face, though, and sat, smiling, as if nothing was wrong. She should go talk to the counselor. "Good afternoon," she said, putting her coffee on the table.
Drauc entered the conference room with a PaDD in hand to find Dr. Bakshi already there, he sensed she was annoyed and made sure his mental shields were up. Betazoid’s tended to forget that Vulcans and other telepathic sensitive species could pick up on their emotions. “Hello, Doctor Bakshi, is something troubling you?” he asked in a soft, even inflection that Vulcans used, that often inferred they had picked up a stray thought. This tone was often used on Vulcan children by parents and teachers to express exasperated patience.
Lahki sighed. "Just the words exchanged earlier," she said. "I worry that tensions out here might get out of hand," she said. "That's all. Nothing personal about the crew or yourself, Lieutenant," she said. "I'll be ok," she said, smiling lightly, sipping her Ratjaktino.
Drauc nodded his head in affirmation. "Very well doctor, my i suggest you bring your emotions under control, you are broadcasting them rather loudly for those who can discern them." Again, Drauc used a soft, even inflection as he spoke, showing his exasperation. "If you need some meditative techniques, I would be willing to provide some."
Lahki sighed. "I am aware, Lieutenant," she said. "Thank you." Immediately, Lahki shifted the vibes she was emitting. She was still annoyed, but didn't want the others affected by her sour mood, and sheer exhaustion.
Drauc looked at her "No thanks is necessary, Doctor." he replied and he again went back to reading PaDD.
The Major walked into the conference room. He did not want to be here, Starfleet briefings were rarely efficient. As a good marine however, he arrived precisely just prior to the meeting's scheduled start time.
Once anyone looked upon him, they would see a very fit marine in a perfectly tailored and pressed service dress uniform; a true professional.
Achilles then walked over to the window and stared out of it.
Eradaar Ezazzan walked in as she had been invited via her PADD. She nodded at those present and politely took her seat.
Raazym slipped into the room and found an empty seat where he could observe both entrances. He'd barely been aboard an hour, and had only met the captain. He offered a timid grin to the new faces but otherwise sat quietly with his hands in his lap.
Charlie was one of the last into the room. She had informed Commander Cooke that she would be late to the meeting, as her kids needed tending to.
"Sorry I'm late, Captain." Charlie nodded. "Screaming toddlers needed calming down."
Patricia nodded sympathetically. With everything everyone on the ship had been through, no doubt things had been especially stressful for the kids.
To be continued...