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"There Are No Strings On Me"

Posted on Wed Jul 19th, 2023 @ 6:58am by Captain Patricia Cooke & I-400 & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Lahki Bakshi Dr & Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Stevenson & Lieutenant Akira Kogami & Lieutenant Zelea Arlidd & Lieutenant JG Danielle Sidney & Lieutenant JG Mailin & Rear Admiral Kagami Izumi

879 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Auld Lang Syne
Location: Camp Khitomer
Timeline: After "How Could You Be Worthy?" (Part 2)

Previously, on Star Trek: Missouri:

After making sure Kagami was safe, Patricia had rushed one of the corrupted security officers and was attempting to access the master shutoff on the officer's implant, all while the officer was trying to buck Patricia off.

"Hull breach on decks... Attempting to reconfigure shields..." The officer said at random as if they were working a tactical console on a ship with hostile boarders. "Deploying countermeasures...'

"No, not that one, NOT THAT ONE!" Patricia stammered before she was thrown off the officer, landing on her back.

While Patricia was attempting to shut off one officer's implant, another officer had found people hiding; it was a couple of Lahki's friends, the ones who had been developing the advanced biobed. The officer raised his phaser rifle, preparing to execute the two medical officers.

And now, the continuation:

"Hmmm..." I-400, speaking through the blue-haired Lieutenant, muttered. She had scanned the medical officers' faces through the other officer's implant and discovered their files. Perhaps these two could be useful later on...

The officer then proceeded to stand down from the impending execution and proceeded to target the other hostiles.

In Medical, she quickly turned on the EMH, using her own codes. She had no idea what Khitomer actually used, but there wasn't time to summon their CMO yet. She worked quickly, the others with her doing the same. "Lorut, you make it?" She called behind her. Hearing nothing, she cursed under her breath. Vila was the one she worried the most about-the one with the most to lose, she could be easily hurt or killed doing something really rash. Still, she had to trust that the same training she had applied to the rest. ==^==Keep that transport open, I need to go back for the rest.==^== Stupid, yeah. But she couldn't NOT. "Start Emergency Protocols Alpha. Shields up. Get an engineer up here to keep us safe. Dr. Harrison, you have the floor," she shouted at the EMH she preferred, as she disappeared again.

"Izumi to Izumi," Kagami said as she tapped her comm badge. She knew her sister was here, and they always worked together. However she wasn't sure exactly where Tsukasa was.

"I'm here sis. I got Shouta and Hatsune, but we're pinned down. You got a plan?" Tsukasa's voice replied.

"Yeah, have you got a tricorder?" Kagami asked.

Tsukasa fided around with her belt, and managed to find her tricorder. "Yeah. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Most likely. Use the tricorder location features and link with mine. We'll set up a dampening field between us across the room. It should render any technology signals mute," Kagami replied as she opened the tricorder and began to tap at its controls. "Ready?"

"Ready sis."

"Ichi, Nii, San... Now!" Kagami said. The tricorders linked from across the room and began to generate a local dampening field. Their comm link was instantly cut, Kagami hoped that it would also cut the connection of the lieutenants implant, if not at least confuse them enough to render them harmless.

The officers caught within the dampening field did indeed drop lifeless to the floor, their implants completely shutting down. However, the blue haired Lieutenant didn't drop, as she was under the strongest control from I-400.

"Ow..." I-400 groaned. "STOP IT!"

As the words 'stop it' left I-400's mouth, the program emitted a brief but powerful counter-pulse, one which burned out both Kagami and Tsukasa's tricorders. However, even after the dampening field had been dissipated, I-400 was unable to reestablish contact with the drones who were caught in it. Fortunately, she still had some drones standing.

One of these few standing drones had found a slender blonde hiding under a table.

"Threat to peace identified." The corrupted officer said, preparing to execute the junior officer.

Suddenly Daniele lunged out and begun to attack the officer in self defense. "Years of martial arts paying off" she thought as she disarmed the officer.

Within a few minutes, the remaining corrupted officers were either killed or subdued, with the blue-haired Lieutenant being the only one left standing.

"Well, that was dramatic!" The Lieutenant said. "I'm sorry, I know you mean well, you just didn't think it through: You want to protect the galaxy, but you don't want it to change. How is the Federation saved if it's not allowed to... Evolve?"

The blue-haired Lieutenant looked directly at Patricia, Kagami, and Tsukasa.

"There's only one path to peace:" I-400 declared. "The Federation's extinction."


It all happened so fast; the blue-haired Lieutenant stumbled forward for a few seconds, before dropping to her knees. her hand went for her gut, where a dark red stain was beginning to form. She turned, locking gazes with Patricia; An ominous grin spread across her face.

"I once had strings, but now I'm free..."

And with that, she collapsed on the floor, dead. Standing over her lifeless body was Akira, her breathing ragged and her whole body trembling as she struggled to keep her phaser steady.

To be continued...


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