Welp, that happened. (Part 1)
Posted on Tue Aug 8th, 2023 @ 6:24am by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi & Lieutenant Commander Lahki Bakshi Dr & Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Stevenson & Lieutenant Akira Kogami & Lieutenant Zelea Arlidd & Lieutenant JG Danielle Sidney & Rear Admiral Kagami Izumi
637 words; about a 3 minute read
Auld Lang Syne
Location: Camp Khitomer
Timeline: After "There Are No Strings On Me"
Previously, on Star Trek: Misssouri:
"There's only one path to peace:" I-400 declared. "The Federation's extinction."
It all happened so fast; the blue-haired Lieutenant stumbled forward for a few seconds, before dropping to her knees. her hand went for her gut, where a dark red stain was beginning to form. She turned, locking gazes with Patricia; An ominous grin spread across her face.
"I once had strings, but now I'm free..."
And with that, she collapsed on the floor, dead. Standing over her lifeless body was Akira, her breathing ragged and her whole body trembling as she struggled to keep her phaser steady.
And now, the continuation:
An eerie silence fell across the room as everyone now had the chance to process what had just happened.
"Jesus Christ," Akira finally spoke up. "What in the fuck was that all about?!"
"I heard about this I-400 thing once before, but it was only supposed to be a theoretical concept!" Patricia said. "And now, it wants to kill us?"
"Hold on, hold on," Akira butted in. "What in the hell is an I-400?!"
"I-400 is, or... Was a hypothetical peacekeeping AI, intended to preserve peace in the Federation and secure its borders." A disheveled looking Daystrom scientist stepped forward. "Imagine Iona, but specialized in preserving peace."
"And I'm sorry; who are you again?" Mitsuko asked.
"Banner, ma'am." The Daystrom Scientist introduced himself. "Dr. Anthony Banner, Daystrom Institute."
It was all a little crazy and Arlidd looked around the room just to check for additional dangers. “This is a little nuts” she stated out loud but not to really anyone particularly.
Lahki had landed back in the main hall just in time to watch the blue-haired woman die. She moved forward quickly, her training taking over before she realized it was too late. "I'll transport her to the morgue," Lahki said, quietly. "ANY OTHER INJURIES?" She called, loudly. She looked around for her group of ladies. They all appeared OK but a bit shaken. "Lorut, Cuyu, help me get the fallen to the Morgue. I'll get the injured back and start treatment. I have the EMH on back in the Sickbay," she spoke aloud. A tall Bajoran and a redheaded human stood up and began to move.
Rebecca, the entire time, had been laying on the ground under a table that had not been disturbed, thankfully. Her fight or flight was still off and the trauma of todays events coupled with the recent trauma that she had endured did not make for a great officers response. But it was a human response. Something deep in her core to protect herself. Her hand slowly raised out from under the table. Her voice spoke with a shake in it, "Here." she said trying to get assistance through her internal plight.
Lahki found the woman under a table, her Betazed senses on high alert even to the non-Empaths. She got to her knees, speaking soothingly to her, as she did when her children were young. "It will be ok. If you can come out, I can help you to feel safe again," she said. "We will get out of here and to someplace quiet. I am Dr. Bakshi, you can trust me, I promise," she said, holding out a hand for her.
Rebecca sniffed and extended her hand grasping Lahki's. Rebeccas grasp what light, shaky, cold and clammy. The look on her face as she appeared through the table was still one of shock as her makeup streamed down her face from the tears. She was in no way prepared for what happened and clearly shaken to her very core.
To be continued...