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News and Preparing

Posted on Thu Aug 22nd, 2024 @ 2:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Joseph Nixon

332 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: I-402

Joe Nixon sat at his desk, his eyes scanning the orders on the screen. "USS Missouri, Chief Operations Officer," he muttered to himself, the weight of the responsibility sinking in. At 30 years old, this was a major step in his career. He’d been waiting for a position like this, and now that it was here, the excitement was mixed with a bit of nervousness.

He quickly began preparing for the transition. His quarters, a small but neatly organized space, were soon filled with the sounds of him packing. His uniform, perfectly pressed, was laid out on the bed, while various personal items were carefully placed in his duffel bag. A framed photo of his family, a few cherished books, and a datapad loaded with operational manuals and mission reports made their way into the bag.

Joe checked his appearance in the mirror, ensuring every detail was in place. His dark brown hair was neatly combed, and his hazel eyes reflected a calm determination. He adjusted his collar, feeling the crispness of the uniform against his skin.

He then sat back down at his desk, taking a moment to review the files on the Missouri’s crew and recent missions. Familiarizing himself with the ship’s status and the personalities he’d be working with was crucial. He was determined to hit the ground running.

Before leaving, Joe sent a quick message to his previous commanding officer, thanking them for the opportunity to serve under their command. He also sent a brief note to his parents, letting them know about his new assignment.

With everything in order, Joe grabbed his bag and took one last look around his quarters. A deep breath, a final adjustment to his uniform, and he was out the door, ready to board the shuttle that would take him to the starbase where he would spend a few days before meeting the Missouri. The path ahead was full of challenges, but he was ready to face them head-on.


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