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Mental Fitness Review

Posted on Tue Aug 13th, 2024 @ 12:25pm by Lieutenant Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr & Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan

1,901 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: I-402
Location: Counselor's Office
Timeline: Two weeks after Lissa's arrival


Dr. Araala's "house call" to the science lab recently for her physical prompted Lissa to go ahead and get her mandatory annual fitness review appointment with the ship's counselor scheduled as well. No one had really jumped on her case about scheduling the appointments when she arrived, so she had assumed - maybe hoped that rules were a little more lax here.

What was a little more interesting about today's appointment... The Missouri's counselor was a Gorn. Lissa had never met a Gorn in person before. In fact all that she knew of them from history lessons was to be terrified of them. However Counselor Ezazzan was a Starfleet Officer and Lissa trusted Starfleet.

She arrived at the Counselor's office and tapped the panel to check in and let Ezazzan know that she was checking in. Lissa turned to look around the waiting area and debated on whether to take a seat.

Inside her office, Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan glanced up from her desk as the alert sounded, indicating that Lieutenant Kerr had arrived for her appointment. She took a moment to compose herself, adjusting her posture to appear as approachable as possible. Despite her imposing Gorn stature, Eradaar had learned the nuances of non-verbal communication and the importance of a reassuring presence in her role as a counselor.

"Please come in, Lieutenant Kerr," Eradaar's voice rumbled through the intercom, the deep tones carrying a surprising gentleness.

As Lissa entered the office, Eradaar stood up and offered a welcoming nod. "Good afternoon, Lieutenant. Please, have a seat wherever you feel most comfortable."

She gestured towards a variety of seating options, recognizing that comfort and ease were crucial for an effective counseling session. The room itself was designed to be calming, with soft lighting, a few plants, and a large window offering a view of the stars outside.

"I understand this is your first time meeting a Gorn in person," she began, her voice calm and understanding. "It's natural to feel a bit apprehensive. But I assure you, my primary goal here is to ensure your well-being and to support you in any way I can."

Eradaar settled back into her own seat, her eyes reflecting both her professional demeanor and her genuine desire to help. "Let's start with something simple. How have you been adjusting to life on the Missouri? Any particular challenges or concerns you'd like to discuss?"

She hoped that by opening the conversation with a broad, open-ended question, Lissa would feel more at ease and more willing to share her thoughts and feelings.

Lissa pulled her wavy red hair out of it's high pony and let it fall around her shoulders. "You know I haven't? How did you know that?"

Lissa asked curiously. She began rolling the sides of her hair back into thick twists and secured it quickly into a low bun at the base of her neck. Fidgeting with her hair was an unfortunate habit she had when she was feeling restless.

Eradaar observed Lissa's movements with a practiced eye, noting the subtle signs of restlessness and apprehension. She offered a reassuring smile, her large eyes reflecting warmth and understanding.

"Meeting someone from a different species for the first time can be an interesting experience," Eradaar said gently. "Your body language suggested that you might be feeling a bit uncertain. It's completely normal. We all have preconceptions based on what we've learned or heard."

She leaned forward slightly, her posture open and non-threatening. "I'm here to make sure you're comfortable and to help you with any concerns you might have. Let's take things at your pace."

Eradaar took a moment to let her words settle before continuing. "Adjusting to a new ship can be challenging. Every crew, every ship, has its own rhythm and dynamics. How are you finding the Missouri? Are there any aspects of life aboard that you're finding particularly challenging or different from what you expected?"

She hoped that by addressing the broader context of Lissa's adjustment to the ship, they could gradually move towards more specific concerns or issues Lissa might be facing, all the while building a foundation of trust and openness.

"Well this is definitely the smallest ship I've been on - crew compliment I mean. The physical size doesn't bother me, but I'm kind of a people person. It's harder to know if you're going to find people you really click with on a ship this size. Only so many personalities, right?" Lissa commented with a nervous laugh.

Eradaar listened attentively, her eyes reflecting a calm and steady presence. "I understand," she said softly. "Transitioning to a smaller crew can indeed pose unique social challenges. It's natural to wonder about finding those connections that make you feel truly at home."

She paused for a moment, considering her next words carefully. "It's true that with fewer people, it might seem like the chances of finding kindred spirits are limited. However, it can also mean that the relationships you do form can be deeper and more meaningful, simply because you have more opportunities to get to know each person better."

Eradaar leaned forward slightly, her posture open and inviting. "Have you had the chance to engage in any activities or social gatherings on the Missouri? Sometimes, participating in group activities or hobbies can help in finding those connections more organically. And if you're finding it difficult, we can discuss some strategies that might help ease that process."

She offered a reassuring smile. "Remember, it's okay to take your time in finding your place here. Each of us adjusts at our own pace, and it's important to be patient with yourself. What activities or interests do you enjoy? Maybe we can find ways to incorporate those into your routine aboard the Missouri."

Lissa laughed softly. "You know, I like beaches, boating water. Leave it to me to become an astrophysicist in Starfleet. In space, where this no water - usually. That would be what we would call an anomaly. Maybe I should have been a marine biologist," Lissa said dryly.

"I know holodeck time here is a bit of a premium. I guess I need to expand my horizons. Find some hobbies that are more starship friendly. What do people do around here anyway?" Lissa asked. "What are your hobbies?"

Eradaar listened with genuine interest, nodding thoughtfully at Lissa's comments. "It's fascinating how our passions can sometimes lead us to unexpected places," she said, her tone gentle. "Your love for the ocean and your decision to pursue astrophysics shows a versatile and adaptable nature."

She leaned back slightly, considering Lissa's question. "On a starship, finding hobbies and activities that suit the environment can indeed be a bit challenging, but it's also an opportunity to explore new interests. On the Missouri, the crew engages in a variety of activities to unwind and connect with one another."

Eradaar's eyes sparkled with a hint of amusement. "For instance, there are regular holodeck programs that cater to different interests. While it's true that holodeck time is a premium, scheduling time in advance for specific programs can ensure you get to enjoy them. There are also group activities like movie nights, trivia contests, and collaborative storytelling sessions. These can be great ways to meet new people and discover common interests."

"As for my hobbies," Eradaar continued, a soft rumble of amusement in her voice, "I enjoy practicing traditional Gorn martial arts. It's a way for me to stay grounded and maintain physical fitness. Additionally, I have a passion for bartending. I took extensive lessons on properly mixing drinks and the art of courteous bartending while I was on board the USS Poseidon. Acting as the ship's bartender allowed me to assist others and foster camaraderie among the crew."

She paused for a moment, then added, "If you're interested, I could show you some basic martial arts moves or even teach you a few bartending techniques. Finding new hobbies can be an adventure in itself, and sometimes, trying something completely different can lead to unexpected joy."

Eradaar's expression softened as she looked at Lissa. "The key is to stay open to new experiences and give yourself the freedom to explore. If you ever feel overwhelmed or uncertain, remember that you're not alone. I'm here to support you, and so is the rest of the crew."

She offered a reassuring smile. "Does any of that sound appealing to you? Or perhaps there's something specific you've always wanted to try, even if it seems a bit unconventional for a starship environment?"

"Well, bartending could be fun. I do like parties and meeting people. I wonder how Gorn martial arts would match up against Tatharoc..." Lissa chided.

Eradaar chuckled softly, the deep rumble of her laughter resonating through the room. "Bartending is indeed a social art, and it can be a lot of fun. You get to meet people, learn about their preferences, and create something enjoyable for them. If you'd like, we can set up a time for me to show you some of the basics. It might even help you connect with more of the crew—people are always drawn to a good bartender."

She paused, her large eyes reflecting both warmth and curiosity. "As for Gorn martial arts versus Tatharoc, that would be quite an interesting matchup! Perhaps we could arrange a friendly sparring session in the holodeck one day, just to see how the techniques compare. It could be a great way to stay active and learn something new in a fun, safe environment."

Eradaar's expression softened as she concluded, "But for now, let's take things one step at a time. You're already making progress by exploring new interests and finding ways to adapt to life on the Missouri. Remember, it's all about balance—enjoying what you love while being open to new experiences."

She offered a final reassuring smile. "If you ever need someone to talk to, or if you want to explore more hobbies or activities, my door is always open. You're not alone in this journey, and I'm here to support you every step of the way."

Eradaar rose slightly, signaling the gentle conclusion of their session. "Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me today, Lieutenant Kerr. I look forward to seeing how you grow and adapt aboard the Missouri. Shall we schedule our next meeting, or would you prefer to reach out when you're ready?"

Lissa stood up, taking a deep breath in. Well that wasn't so bad. "I think I'm good for now. Maybe I'll run into you in the Lounge."

Eradaar gave a warm nod, her large eyes reflecting genuine satisfaction. "That sounds like a plan, Lieutenant Kerr. I'll look forward to seeing you in the Lounge, whether it's for a chat, a lesson, or just to unwind. Remember, this ship may be smaller, but it's full of potential connections and experiences waiting to be discovered."

She gestured towards the door with a welcoming smile. "Take care, and don't hesitate to stop by whenever you need to talk or explore new ideas. We're all in this together."

As Lissa stepped towards the door, Eradaar added, "And if you ever decide to take on Gorn martial arts, you know where to find me. Until then, enjoy your journey aboard the Missouri."


Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan
Chief Counselor
USS Missouri


Lieutenant Daisheliss Kerr
Chief Science Officer
USS Missouri


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