Let's Go, Mighty MO!
Posted on Sat Feb 22nd, 2025 @ 9:40pm by Captain Patricia Cooke & Lieutenant Charlotte E. "Charlie" Yeager & I-402 & Lieutenant Commander Joseph Nixon & Lieutenant Akira Kogami & Lieutenant Pharos Ventari & Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri
1,122 words; about a 6 minute read
Impending Midnight
Timeline: 1500 hours
Shortly after dismissing Lieutenant Kogami, Patricia had sent out a shipwide bulletin: The Missouri was to be ready to fly at 1500 hours sharp, as that was the time the majority of the task force would arrive in the Janus VI system. When the chronometer in the ready room chimed to indicate that it was 1500 hours, Patricia stopped what she was doing and stepped around the desk to the ready room doors.
When the doors to the ready room parted, Patricia stepped forward onto the bridge, the lights of the bridge catching her four rank pips for the first time. Patricia strode forward towards the Command pit, stepping up to the raised platform towards her chair.
"Captain on the bridge," Tsukasa announced.
Turning to face the viewscreen, Patricia tapped her combadge:
=A="Attention, all departments: This is the captain:"=A= She spoke. =A="Report readiness status and prepare for immediate departure."=A=
After relaying her orders, Patricia assumed her seat next to Tsukasa.
"The crew seem to be ready Captain. And I have it on good authority that many of then are eager to get this settled." Tsukasa said leaning over slightly.
"Well, let's hope that's the case." Patricia responded. "Because we only have one shot at this. If we fail, everything we love will burn."
In engineering, lieutenant Ventari traced a finger down along the diagnostic displays as he watched the automated systems checks report back, while reaching over to open a comm's channel. =/\="Engineering, reporting in, all systems green. Warp, Impulse and QSD propulsion systems are ready and standing by."=/\=
"Tactical systems are online," the newly-minted Second Officer reported from her station. "Phaser banks are primed; torpedo bays are loaded; shielding grid active; and all Security personnel have been placed on standby."
She glanced over at Patty and nodded. "Let's lay some lead on this motherf**ker."
As Patricia returned the nod, the being known simply as I-402 strode onto the bridge from the turbolift. In wake of the departure of Lieutenant Kerr, the synthetic being had recolored her uniform to a science teal in lieu of Command red.
"Despite the present lack of a Chief Science Officer, the remaining science staff are operating surprisingly well." She reported. "They are currently compiling all available knowledge on I-400 to share with the fleet."
down in sickbay, Sara was double checking her stocks when the call came through. Tapping her combadge, Sara reported in, "sickbay ready and standing by."
Joe checked all the reports coming in. "All systems and stations report ready"
"All gangways and automatic moorings are retracted." Charlie reported. "Ready to release docking clamps on your command."
"Execute." Patricia responded.
"Releasing docking clamps." Charlie relayed.
With a light jolt, the docking clamps of the starbase released, and the Missouri was once again a free floating vessel.
"The fleet is holding at a designated rendezvous point." Patricia explained. "Take us to the coordinates. One quarter impulse until we are clear of the starbase."
"One quarter impulse, aye, sir." Charlie acknowledged, her fingers sliding over the CONN station's smooth surface.
With a few pushes from the maneuvering thrusters to give her the proper clearance to turn, the Missouri began a slow, majestic turning maneuver as Charlie brought the Bellerophon class ship's heading due ahead to the rendezvous coordinates.
In a short order, Starfleet had managed to assemble some fifty starships for the undertaking: A force larger than Admiral Hanson's fleet to meet the Borg at Wolf 359. As the Missouri drew up to the formation, the sheer number of Starships present could not be understated. The glow from all the nacelles was something of a micro constellation in on itself.
"About time these morons started taking this seriously..." Akira remarked.
Joe looked up from his station at the view screen amazed at the amount of ships out there.
"Ops, open a channel with the fleet:" Partricia ordered.
Joe nodded and swiftly tapped at his console, establishing the connection.
"Channel open, Captain," he confirmed, his voice steady despite the awe he still felt at the sheer scale of the assembled fleet.
"This is Captain Patricia Cooke of the Starship Missouri: Effective immediately, I am taking command of this task force." Patricia spoke over the open comm frequency. "I-400 knows we're coming, so we're likely going to be riding into heavy fire. As Starfleet, this is what we signed up for, but the people of Planetoid Lazzaro didn't. All they want is to live their lives in peace, but that's not going to happen today. So, our priority is to get them out of harms way. Clear the field, and keep the fight between us."
Patricia paused for a moment, reflecting back on their previous engagements with I-400; and what they meant for the bigger picture:
"I-400 thinks we're monsters." She continued. "That we're what's wrong with the galaxy. The coming fight is more than just about beating her... It's about whether or not she's right."
Joe kept his gaze on his console, ensuring the transmission remained stable as Patricia addressed the fleet. He could feel the weight of her words settling over the bridge, a sobering reminder of what was at stake.
As she finished, Joe took a deep breath before speaking. "All ships acknowledge receipt of orders, Captain. Fleet is standing by for your command."
He glanced up at the viewscreen again, taking in the armada assembled before them. For all the firepower at their disposal, this battle wasn't just about winning—it was about proving that Starfleet stood for something more.
Patricia took a deep breath. It was go time:
"All ships:" She ordered. "Lay in a course for Planetoid Lazzaro and prepare to jump to warp."
It all took only a few minutes as the Missouri and the ships of the fleet adjusted their headings towards the Romulan Neutral Zone.
"Heading set:" Charlie reported. "Fleet is waiting on your command:"
Patricia leaned forward.
Within a matter of seconds fifty one starships accelerated to the speed of light, and well past it as the fleet jumped to warp.
With the stars now zooming past as the fleet was on its way, Patricia eased up a little, and turned to Tsukasa.
"Schedule a senior staff meeting for 1700 hours." She ordered. "I understand we have a few new faces joining us, so it's best we get them up to speed before we arrive."
Posting by
Captain Patricia Cooke
Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi
Executive Officer
Lieutenant Akira Kogami
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Second Officer
Lieutenant Commander Joseph Nixon
Chief Operations Officer
Lieutenant Pharos Ventari
Chief Engineer
Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'Eseri
Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Charlotte E. "Charlie" Yeager
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
Computer AI Interface