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Sleight of Hand (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 1:21am by Commander Patricia Cooke & Boso Gane & Lieutenant Akira Kogami & Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan
Edited on on Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 1:22am

1,228 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: I-402

Captain's log:

With the Cradle successfully recovered, the Missouri is en route to meet up with Dr. Banner, who claims he's figured out a way to sort out this whole I-400 mess. I can only hope that his solution is swift to implement.

In the meantime, I still find myself short several senior staff, including a recent opening in Engineering, as following the abduction of Commander Drauc. As such, now more than ever, I require Lieutenant Kogami to be back with us.

I can only hope Lieutenant Ezazzan has made enough progress with her rehabilitation that she can at the very least return to light duty.

End log

Frustrated with recent events, including the abduction of her chief engineer, Patricia made her way down to deck 5 to speak with Lieutenant Ezazzan about the state of Lieutenant Kogami. She was hoping that her friend was in a more coherent state than she had been when Patricia had last seen her, and that progress had been made in her rehabilitation. But, only Lieutenant Ezazzan held the answers to her questions.

[Deck 5 - Chief Counselor's Office]

The soft chime of her office door announced a visitor, prompting Lieutenant JG Eradaar Ezazzan to glance up from her terminal. The digital display of patient files flickered momentarily as her attention shifted. She recognized the familiar stride even before Commander Patricia Cooke appeared in the doorway. Standing to greet her, Eradaar's demeanor balanced the formality required by her rank with the warmth she brought to her role as Chief Counselor.

"Commander Cooke," Eradaar greeted, her voice carrying a respectful undertone. "I was anticipating you might visit. Is this about Lieutenant Kogami’s progress?"

"It sure is." Patricia responded. "I was hoping she'd be in a better state than she was last time I dropped in."

Eradaar gestured toward the chair across from her desk, a gentle invitation for Patricia to sit. Her eyes held a calm, understanding gaze as she began to formulate her response.

"Lieutenant Kogami's situation has been... complex," Eradaar said, her voice steady and professional. "She’s been struggling with a lot of internal conflict, as you know, but there has been some progress. Emotionally, she’s still carrying a significant burden from her past experiences. It’s a delicate balance between allowing her space to process and encouraging her to step back into her duties."

Eradaar paused, folding her hands on the desk in front of her. "I’ve been working with her on techniques to manage the trauma, and there have been some breakthroughs. However, she is still hesitant to fully re-engage with her responsibilities. I believe she’s nearing the point where light duty might be possible, but it will be essential to proceed cautiously."

She looked to Patricia, sensing the Captain's frustration and concern. "I understand the urgency, given the situation, but pushing her too quickly might risk setting back the progress she’s made. I’d recommend starting her on smaller tasks, gradually increasing the responsibility, if you feel it's necessary to get her back sooner rather than later."

Eradaar's expression softened slightly. "I’ll continue to support her in any way I can, but she’s going to need patience and understanding if she’s to fully return to duty."

Patricia sighed. This definitely was not the news she wanted to hear.

"Perhaps, then, it is time that we discuss the possibility of Kogami stepping down as Chief of Security." She suggested. "Because I need someone to run tactical now, not in six to eight months. Because if the prisoners are to be believed, we don't have six to eight months!"

As Patricia mentioned the prisoners, a thought suddenly crossed her mind:

"Wait a minute, the prisoners:" She muttered. "We've identified the male one as Boso Gane, a Hebitian orphan that was one of two surviving subjects of Dominion genetic experimentation on Alpha Quadrant species, the other one being his sister Oko, whom we also have in custody."

Now that Patricia had explained a seemingly unrelated subject, it was time to make Boso relevant to the conversation:

"I recognized the sombitch as the same man who had made us see our nightmares back in System HW-35." Patricia explained. "If he's done a 180 pivot on allegiances, as he claims, is there any chance we could have him make Akira... Lieutenant Kogami forget what she saw, and would that accelerate her recovery?"

Eradaar listened intently as Patricia laid out the situation, her calm expression unchanging, though a flicker of thought passed behind her eyes when Boso Gane was mentioned. She allowed a moment of silence to settle after Patricia's suggestion, considering the ethical implications as well as the potential benefits.

"The use of a telepathic or psionic method to help Lieutenant Kogami could be beneficial, especially if it allows her to distance herself from the traumatic memories that are inhibiting her recovery," Eradaar began, her tone cautious but receptive. "Boso Gane's abilities, if properly controlled, could indeed accelerate her mental healing process. The key would be ensuring that the intervention is done with Kogami's full consent and understanding."

Eradaar leaned slightly forward, her eyes locking onto Patricia's with a hint of optimism. "If Boso has indeed had a change of heart and can be trusted to use his abilities for her benefit, this could potentially be a breakthrough. By alleviating the worst of her emotional burden, we may be able to speed up her recovery significantly, perhaps even enough for her to return to duty in a much shorter timeframe."

Her voice remained steady but carried a note of hope. "I would suggest we approach Akira carefully, explaining the risks and rewards of such an intervention. It's important that she feels empowered in the decision-making process. If she agrees, I would recommend closely monitoring her progress before, during, and after the procedure to ensure that there are no unforeseen complications."

Eradaar then added, with a more resolute tone, "This path may provide us with the urgency we need without compromising her long-term mental health. I believe it’s worth exploring, Commander."

"Well, why don't we go pay Lieutenant Kogami a visit, then?" Patricia proposed, standing up. "I-400 isn't going to wait, so I'm not going to either."

Eradaar nodded, rising from her seat with smooth efficiency. "Very well, Commander. I agree that time is of the essence."

She gathered a small PADD from her desk, ready to accompany Patricia to speak with Akira. As they prepared to leave her office, Eradaar maintained her composed demeanor, though the weight of the decision ahead was evident in her eyes. It wasn’t just about the mission—it was about Lieutenant Kogami’s future and well-being.

“Let’s approach this with care,” Eradaar added softly, as they made their way toward Akira’s quarters. “If this intervention works, it could be exactly what she needs to step forward again.”

With that, they proceeded toward their next, critical step in getting Kogami back on track.

As they left Eradaar's office, Patricia tapped her combadge:

"Cooke to Security: Bring the male prisoner, Mr. Gane, to Sickbay." She ordered. One way or another, Patricia wasn't going to give up on Akira.

=A=Aye, Captain,=A= came the response. =A=We'll be down there in 10 minutes; Security out.=A=

To be continued...


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