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Thu Sep 12th, 2024 @ 10:16pm

Kenji Karibuchi

Name Kenji Karibuchi

Position Manager - Harry F. Cooke Lounge

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 160 lbs
Hair Color black
Eye Color grey brown
Physical Description Kenji is a man of average stature. As he has primarily worked in the civilian field, he is not in the physical shape expected of a Starfleet officer. That is not to say he is totally unfit, but he is noticeably slower than the Starfleet personnel around him. He's even admitted that it would be easy for a Starfleet officer to lap him while running laps around the deck of a starship. Kenji keeps his black hair slightly longer than average, and is usually seen dressed in business casual attire


Spouse Marie Karibuchi (deceased)
Children Hideo Karibuchi (born 2394)
Brother(s) Yuta Karibuchi
Sister(s) Miki Karibuchi (in-law)
Other Family Takami Karibuchi (niece)
Hikari Karibuchi (niece)

Personality & Traits

General Overview As the younger brother of a Starfleet officer, Kenji has always felt a need to escape his older brother's shadow. He made a conscious decision not to join Starfleet for fear of being compared to his brother. Kenji is a hardworking, honest, blue-collar individual who isn't afraid to tell you things as they are. As a single parent, Kenji only wants what's best for his boy.

Kenji fully supports the idea of the Harry F. Cooke Lounge being a dry space, as he does not drink synthehol himself.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Hardworking
+Loving father

-Hasn't fully gotten over the death of his wife, and is afraid to love again
-Less fit than a Starfleet Officer
-Feels the need to prove himself
Ambitions Kenji made a conscious decision to avoid Starfleet, and he wishes to prove that a Karibuchi does not need to be in Starfleet to be successful.
Hobbies & Interests Kenji owns an antique Nissan 180SX, which he takes pride in owning and working on. He also plays the acoustic guitar for his son, though he mainly plays country songs.